It looks like it was yesterday: 1st June 2019, Zweck Gala Fashion Ball for Perth Children's Hospital Foundation

Klara Forrest .
Apr 25, 2021
Over $21,000 raised for PCH at Zweck Gala Fashion Ball
What an incredible evening! 250 guests shared an elegant evening, raising more than $21,000 for Perth Children’s Hospital.
Zweck is Klara Forrest’s new fashion label. “Zweck” means “Purpose” in German and Klara is a western Australian fashion designer who has a strong sense of purpose and believes in giving as a way of life. Since she has started her designer fashion house, Klara’s uniquely sylish, functional and classic pieces have proved popular with successful Western Australian women.
Guests knew they were in for something special when they saw the 911 Cabriolet Porsche parked on the foyer. Keiko Uno Jewellery donated a beautiful Spirit of the Sea cuff-style bangle to be raffled and a unique 23 karat gold tie pin with single diamond was the prize for the special golden balloon raffle. Jenny Seaton was MC for the night and also modelled a stunning turquoise outfit in the fashion parade.
The centrepiece of Saturday night’s Gala was a fashion parade featuring 43 women from all walks of life. Mothers, daughters, professionals and homemakers hit the runway with authentic beauty and grace. Klara believes all women are beautiful, regardless of age and size or ethnic background. In her opinion, looking good comes down the cleverness of the design of what you wear and how it can best express that inner beauty.
For many of the models it was their first time on the catwalk and certainly a step out of their comfort zone. Aylin Choy, one of the night’s most striking models in a royal blue wrap dress with gorgeous red floral embellishments summed up the experience of the models when she said: “We had so much fun, both through the process of the design and fitting and modelling. It was rewarding to meet these many lovely ladies determine to make a difference. I think the crowd loved us on stage and enjoyed the show.”
The Hyatt was the generous venue sponsor of the event and the delicious food and wine were enjoyed by all. The pace of the evening accelerated with the live auction, ably run by Tiny Holly and the evening concluded with dancing to great live music performed by Jim Jam.
The Zweck Gala for PCHF was such a stunning success that Klara is determined to make it an annual event. “It is inspiring to see what we managed to achieve for this, our first Gala. My dear committee members, Clark Younes, Liz Hollingdale, Steve Wilson, Eleanor Chappell and Sarah Melville all enjoyed the journey and we are already keen to start on the next.’’ said Klara.
If you would like to be part of next year’s Zweck Gala for PCHF the committee would welcome any contribution you are able to make. Klara encourages those who are willing to help with Zweck’s next charity fashion event to contact her at 0433143524 or email
Like Zweck on Facebook and follow Zweck on Instagram to find out more about future fashion events with “purpose”.