Dear customer,

We inspect all returned items when they arrive at our processing facility. If your return is a result of an error on our part or a defective product, will refund the full cost of the merchandise and original shipping charges.

If you return an item that shows signs of wear or damage, we will issue a partial refund minus the original shipping charges and return shipping fees.

You can expect to receive your refund within four weeks of shipping your package back to us. In many cases you will receive a refund sooner, but we estimate four weeks based on these factors:

  • The time required for return shipping (up to 14 days)
  • Product inspection at our returns facility (up to 5 business days)
  • Processing from your financial institution (up to 5 business days).

You will be notified via email with the details of the refund and we will issue the refund back to the form of payment used to make the purchase.


If you are unsure wether you are entitled to a (partial) refund do not hesitate to contact us by chat or email